Why, if people LOVE coffee so much do they add so much stuff to it to make it taste good?
And Why do they spill it so much?
Why, do companies pay for people to drink it?
Why, are they willing to spend so much for a cup of Joe yet complain about the prices of everything else?
Why is a Mormon girl writing about Coffee???
You need more sleep... lay off the coffee! ;) lol
Are those cleaning chemicals getting to your brain or is this what happens when you work by yourself? I do find myself talking out loud sometimes while I am delivering those darn papers but I try not to talk too loud in case a customer is outside or something, I might get fired for being crazy!
LOL U both hit it on the nose...Too much time alone with no sleep...maybe I saw too much spilled coffee today...
K, I'll take this. I loooooovvve questions.
Why, if people LOVE coffee so much do they add so much stuff to it to make it taste good?
hmmmmm, dunno. Good point.
And Why do they spill it so much?
low coordination from too low of a caffeine to blood ratio.
Why, do companies pay for people to drink it?
It increases employee productivity?
, are they willing to spend so much for a cup of Joe yet complain about the prices of everything else?
Before they pay for their cup of Joe they are too asleep to notice any high prices.
Why is a Mormon girl writing about Coffee???
A hidden, secret desire...
Why am I projecting all my caffeine desires onto you?
Easier than taking the responsibility myself.
haha, this is a funny post. But, you're right? WHY WHY WHY!?! People are even addicted to the FAKE COFFEE!! Did you know that Postum has been discontinued and that people are willing to buy a small jar of it on ebay for $50!? WHY!??
What is it about coffee that creates so many addicts???
Thanks for this deep thought! ;)
Happy BIRTHDAY, i love you! :)
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