Today I woke up bright and early, the sun outside seemed to be calling me. I thought about my endless list of to-do's and wondered where I should start. My mind quickly remembered a conversation I had early in the week with my visiting teaching companion. She is a wonderful women who does alot for others, and was recently called to be the Relief Society President. I admire her greatly. She was telling me about her garden and how the raspberries were almost ready...I LOVE Raspberries! As our conversation continued I said I would help her pick if she wanted. She said yes. I have know her almost 3 years now, and can tell you that she does most stuff herself, so I didn't really think she would call...so I threw on my stuff grabbed a couple bowls and headed out the door. As I pulled up to her home, it looked so peaceful. The calmness of the morning was just what I needed. Alone time, being able reflect on things and see the rich blessings of her families hard work. I had a good time, peeking under leaves and seeing the pump juicy raspberries hiding underneath. When I was done, I placed the bowl on her deck table and returned home.
Last night I was reading with my husband about the last supper and how Christ washed the feet of the disciples. What an amazing story and learning experience for all of us to serve and show our love. My time in the berries does not compare to Christ and his lesson but it did remind me how we can enjoy such sweetness in our lives, by showing our love toward others.
"Through service to others, we develop a Christlike love and we experience joy. Service teaches patience and long-suffering as well as gentleness, goodness, and faith."
--Merrill J. Bateman
This afternoon I was sitting next to a fountain outside the gates of Veuille Quebec listening to the water intermingling with the voices of the crowd.
I had just walked over 4 km and my feet ached so it was refreshing to sit there. However, my mind couldn't be still and I thought and pondered about many things because, as you know, I'm about to head in a new direction.
So as I sat in a place that was old, thinking on all that was new, I had thoughts similar to yours... not about raspberries but about service and ways to show others our caring and appreciation. Not just those we know, but also those we don't.
Thanks for a post about a topic that's been on my mind all day. A great ending/conclusion to those thoughts. :)
Ctr...thanks for sharing your day and your thoughts. I know you are headed into unchartered waters...which is alot to take in...the mind likes to keep us thinking and thinking...and sometimes we need a break...I have found one of the best ways to take a break from your problems is to help someone with theirs...big or small, friend or stranger...we can make a difference by something as small as a smile...
Hope your trip is safe and the beginning of your new journey is filled with love & laughter.
Those raspberries look delicious! I hope you tasted a couple...come pick our cherries.
I will always help you E....
Watch out for stranger in your yard, bright and early in the morning.. ;)
Hey..I bet you had to pick berries in your grandfathers garden each summer!
I think..People who know how & enjoy picking berries almost always learned in their grandparents garden..
Yes LeaAnne...bright and early @ grandpas...he thought he needed to feed many families and his garden size showed it
Oh I wish I could have been with you! I could almost taste the berries as you described it =). The picture helped a lot too lol.
beautiful elaine
i love your written
and by the way whose your visiting teaching companion?
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