Saturday, August 2, 2008


I found this quote today and I had to share...

"Imagination is more important than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

At the bottom of my blog is a play list of on Mercy Me -Only Imagine

This song really hits home for me. It is amazing how we can use our minds. Heavenly Father gave us so many opportunities and ways to learn in this life. I will be taking the time today to

Imagine, Hope and Believe.
In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it.
- Norman Vincent Peale


elaine said...

I am not seeing Mercy Me-Imagine although I do see a list of songs. I can imagine I am in the study tomb, but I think I actually have to study...not now though. For now, until the end of the summer, I am taking it S. L. O. W.

talitha said...

I sat and listened to your playlist for a long time this afternoon! We have very similar tastes in music. Good job!

Kara said...

I totally love your blog!